Dealing with shit as an adult

Is sometimes the hardest thing in the world. There comes a time in your life when your fuse is so short that you could explode at any moment and punch everyone in the throat even if they say only a single word in your direction. 

Being an adult is a pain in the ass because even in those moments of weakness you actually can’t punch everyone in the throat. I mean, you could but no one would like you and you would probably wouldn’t have any friends. 

Today was one of those days for me. I had put my notice in at my job earlier this week and now my boss is sabotaging me. She makes me want to just throw everything on the ground and scream ” Fuck you! I quit!” And walk out, but that is not how you become a responsible adult. Unfortunately. 

Life is irritating and it is always trying to find a way to push your buttons. You just gotta say ” look here life- I’m in charge and I do what I want! I choose to have only  good days!” Ultimately the choice is yours, you may think you’re not in control but that isn’t true, no one can make you feel anyway except for yourself. 

Go out there and kick life right in the face! Tell whoever it is that you’re in charge and you make your own rules! You can do it, even when you feel you’re at your whitts end.

-side note: If you are at that point take a personal day and take care of yourself! Take a bath, go to the batting cages, eat some cake, go bowling, take yourself to the movies or get a massage. Whatever it takes to give you some fucks to give. Lol

I cuss like a sailor in real life so I cuss the same in my blog, sorry if I offend you. I’m just not one to ever beat around the bush. 
“Get your shit together!” – my daily mantra 

(A necklace I had made) 

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